Mister Jason.
He and I have known each other since we were 12. We were always friends. Went to different schools. Once we were in college he moved out of state to play sports. I moved to St. George to go to school and Dance. We hadn't talked since we were probably 15. We started talking via facebook and it was close to Christmas break which we both would be going home. He got my number and gave me call the day after he flew in. I'll skip all the mushy deets for your sake and just tell you that we ended up doing the whole 'long distance' thing. Ya-hmmm. not a fan ppl. It was hard and so we decided to take a break and we would give things a try when we would both be back in the summer. That summer we dated a little bit. He hurt me by lying. Then a few months before he left on his mission he apoligized. We wrote a bit. He texted me inviting me to his homecoming talk when he got home. I didnt go because I was with Jake and could have cared less. New Years Eve Jake and I were shopping and ran into Jason. He gave me a huge. (I still thought he was very good looking) and we chatted for a bit (he was with a friend who knew Jake so it was no biggie). Then he had texted me saying it was great to see me the next day...and texted me a few more times when he found out Jake and I had broken up. Which leads me to what happened yesterday. (but we'll save that for later-even though i'm dying here! oh my. haha.)
Mister Kurt.
I honestly don't know Kurt all that well. I shamefully admit that we have only hung out once. We used to text a ton last June. He and Sierra met at work and she gave him my number. We texted. texted. and texted some more. After a few weeks we hung out with Sierra and her bf at the time. The next day he openly told me that he was dying to kiss me the night before- and regretted it. Shortly after that Jake and I started dating so we lost contact. Then OF COURSE he starts talking to me like a week after he finds out i'm not dating anyone and wants to hang out. Latest up to date we have been texting and i'll probably give in and go over to his apartment one night for a visit? Is he wanting to be my re-bound or something?? Sierra did say he had pretty loose lips.. hmm. Don't really know what to think here. Any suggestions? I'll happily take them.
and last but not least..
Mister Reed.
We have almost known each other for just about a year now. Crazy how fast time goes. Weird. (funny story how we met too..totally left my number for him at his work- So high school i know.) Anyhow.. So he and I were dating casually for a few months when Jake came into the picture and swooped me off my feet. (okay, not really but you get the jist.) I had fallen so so so hard for Reed. He was like picture perfect in my eyes. He was older. TDH. Almost done with school. yadda yadda. But he was moving soooo slow. Let's just say I'm not the most patient girl out there. So what did I do? Went for the guy who was really chasing me. (for me was a hard change cuz i am normally the one to be the chaser. bad bad bad. i know i know.) Reed and I talked on chat every once in a while during dating Jake. Nothing bad. Totally friend based. But he did express his feelings once which made me frusterated because why the heck didn't he do that when i wanted him to? Naturally he does it right when i am about to be committed to someone else. But i left it at that. After Jake and I broke up. Reed and I started texting a bit. He invited me over to his house once to watch football with his friends. It was totally casual and he was even asking me girl advice. He was really sweet about my heartache as well. We have hung out a few times since. He's been super flirty but not over the line. I NEVER can read him. But he is leaving for two and half months for work. So hmm. Yeah R+L= bad timing.
Not that i'm looking to go after someone or anything..but who's your favorite? Who should I spend time with? Who should I let in Laurens heart? okay more like half a heart. Its still healing ppl. Have a good weekend. Live it up.
ps. There is a really cute guy at work. (okay two of them.) But i always told myself i would never ever ever date someone from work. But i talked to mister work today. He's darling and has the hottest blue eyes. Why am I such a sucker for eyes???
pps. After my last post i had to laugh about this. I was at the library last night and got in the elevator with this guy and he totally started to talk to me. My first thought was HES NOT A SCARED-IE cat.. he wasn't Channing Tatum or anything but he was pretty cute.
hugs and kisses