Wednesday, December 15, 2010


hello readers (whoever you are)
we are interested in hearing any of your dating stories.
The good, the bad, the ugly, the inbetween.


We wanna know how you're handling the dating scene.

Email us with your "post" you'd like us to feature and we'll be publishing it in the upcoming weeks.

If you're interested, shoot us an email:

GET SENDIN!!!!!!!!!

faux pas?
online dating?
i think not.

i signed up.



met three AWESOME guys.

1. Kurt
2. Andrew
3. James

kurt is a cutie, sweet, tall, smart. kind.
really interested in me. keeps texting me, wanting to go out.

andrew. adorable. we talk on the phone several times a week. i am starting to really like him. we have a lot in common. share a love for the gospel. share a love for a ceratin tv show. he gets me.

then there's james. james threw me through a loop, because i think i may like him the most. and i've known him for the least amount of time.
he gets me, even more than andrew.
he makes me want to be a better woman.
he makes me smile.
he is so sweet. makes sure i am doing ok everyday. its like he has put me on his top priority list.
love getting to know him.

geez. so many men, so little time.

happy december sweeties.

xo sierra

Monday, December 13, 2010


they never seem to fail to disappoint me.
men that is.
well if you can even call them that.
i prefer calling them boys.

back up a few months.
sierra and i went camping late summer with some friends. from there on out we started to hang out with a group of guys. one that i became quite fond of. ben. yes that is his name.
we have hung out in groups. alone. but never, have we been on a date.
i personally think when i like a guy, it is quite obvious.
well either i wasn't kicking the ball hard enough, or he is just dumb.
at times i have thought he was super into me.
talking on facebook til 3 a.m.
texing for countless hours.
him texting me first, of course.

well as the months went by, it was so on and off
july- on
august-didn't see or hear from him much
september- starting hangin out again. hung out alone for the first time.
october- one week on. one week off.
november- texting, talking, flirting, teasing, you name it. we did it.
but NO dates.
now here we are in december.

at times i have just NOT let myself like him.
just 'gave up' if you would say, all together.
decided to not worry. and just focus on our friendship.
that seemed to be key.
it was working out great. til i would find myself liking him again.
well. starting in october i just didn't care. i liked him- but didn't let myself be me, a girlie girl and freak out over everything, over analyze etc.

we suddenlyy became close.
one night he finally opened up to me.
i still had my guard up.
ben. did. ben opened up.
his wall came down. brick, by brick.
about life, relationships, trials, his family, his desires, school,work.
it was the best.

i was finally thinking maybe i could open up to him.
but not just yet.
it would be too risky.
but maybe i could just do it??

every year a group of friends and i have a holiday party.
there may or may not be ugly sweaters involved.

i had asked him. he accepted.
{yes, i asked a BOY out.}
the night came. as i rushed to get everything ready
my phone rang. it was him!
he was calling to verify the time.
it was to be at my place, so he was just going to come over. we talked on the phone for about 30 minutes. laughing. joking. talking. inside jokes. teasing. talking about what we had done the night before. it was comfortable.

a little history for you before we get to the punch line.
ben just so happens to have a best friend. Jay.
Jays way cool. hilarious. and witty.
oh and they are TIED together at the hip.
love them. but srsly they need to do there own things every once in a while.
no wonder they both dont have gf's ha. i'm mean.

so 45 minutes before everyone is supposed to come over
jay texts me {he was coming with a date}

j: hey so band I'm feeling really sick. i think I'm just going to cancel with callie and ben doesn't want to leave me here by myself. so sorry if we messed up your plans. maybe we could stop by for a few?

who just does that.
i can't even express how upset i was.
i now wished that i wouldn't have even texted back.

l: don't worry about stopping by.
j: thanks for being understanding, we will have to chill sometime.

whatever that jay didn't come.
but ben didn't have to call me. or let alone text me.

srsly. srsly!!
needless to say- Ben is off my list.
and in the garbage..



this is a sham.
but i loveeeeee it.
so fabulous.

"provo utah girls we're desirable, big hair, leggings, layered shirts on top"

hello, i am not your typical provo girl though...thanks divine comedy!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

give me a sigggnnnnnn

"My loneliness is killin me, and I....I must confess, I still believe {still believe}
When I'm not witchu baby I lose my mind, gimme a sigggnnnnn
Ohhh, sorry, I was just enjoying myself this morning. I love that song, don't you?

Oh, and I love {men}.
I love {nugget ice}
I love {ice cream}
I love {gentlemen}
I love {chivalry}
I love {tall men}
I love {jokes}
I love {Timbaland}
I love {cookies and pie}
I love {PROVO}
I love {basketball games}
I love {MY LIFE}
Last night was quite the winning combo of all of the above {loves} of my life.
Lo and I hung out with some crazy crazy guys last night.
But I want to mention the {#1} crazy {in a good way crazy} man we had the privilege of chillin wit.

Meet Geoff.
Tall. Gorgeous Eyes. Muscular. Hilarious coming out of his ears. Sports guru. Dancing fool {in a good way}. Smells good, like fresh outta da shower good. Makes me smile. Makes me giggle like a little school girl. Tells me jokes. Gives me advice. Tells me all about his 5 year marriage plan. Shamelessly flirts with me {right Lo?}. Texts me jokes. Texts me when he hasn't heard from me...awww.

Ok, believe it or not, I think I am smitten. I think I am really started to like Geoff. The first night we met we grabbed a bite to eat and chatted until the management kicked us out...then we talked outside of the restaurant until 2:00 AM. BEST CONVO of my LIFEEEE!!!!

This guy sure makes Simon look like Dwight Shrute. Geoff can carry on a conversation. Geoff has an OPINION. Geoff also told me that he knows that I am going to always be right in all things {SMART MAN, eh?}.
I am really attracted to him. We have good conversations. We have some physical chemistry between us. We have a good time when we're together. We talk. We text. We facebook. We google. (just kidding...I don't even know what that means...)

I mean, come on, I feel like things are going pretty well in our early relationship stages.
I just am confused. He is the {mysterious} type. He is also a guy I would want to marry. Totally. I am being 100% honest too. I would TOTALLY marry this guy. He has it all.

So what's the deal you ask?
I have no clue!!!! He sends me mixed signs....and I was hopeless that nothing would ever happen between us...but then last night he said it.

"I am in a stage of life where I prefer to get to know a girl before I date her. So we hang out. A lot. But not too much because then I don't want her to think I am being a jerk and not taking the risk of asking her out. But I think you need to get to know a person before you can date them. You need to develop a friendship. You need to develop communication skills. If you base your relationship on physicality then you'll end up with nothing."

So...I kinda think things are going in my direction. We text all the time. Talk on the phone occasionally. AND then he hits me with the "get to know a girl first" speech last night.

This is a good thing. RIGHT?!!??

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

dumb dumb dumb

I'm so irritated with guys.

Lauren knows exactly what I am talking about.

There's this guy.... Isn't there always?

Simon and I have been friends for a few months and we've gone out on two real dates (about two months apart mind you). Well, I received a very interesting email from him yesterday.

He basically stated that he was upset with me that nothing serious has been going on between us. He has the balls to go even further and tell me that its my fault nothing has been going on between us.

Um, that's not my job. It's YOURS buddy. Plus, maybe, just maybe, I don't really want to be with you all that much. Maybe I just like being friends, which is what I thought we were from the beginning. Maybe, just maybe I enjoy having someone to talk to about other dudes. Maybe I like you Simon, but as a brother.

Let's face it. You can't carry on a normal conversation. You don't have a romantic bone in your body. And, I don't even want to imagine myself kissing you. It's not gonna happen. EVER.

With that said, what's a girl to do?

I emailed poor old Simon back and told him how I really felt. I explained that he and I are just two very different people. We would've never worked out. And guess what? He AGREED with me.
Why the *beep* did you email me in the first place then?!

Jeez, Simon.
Buy the board game CLUE and play it a few times....

Saturday, May 22, 2010

really though?

before i start telling you all my oh so lovely stories i just have to vent about something. why the beep do guys think that they can just text. don't get me wrong, i text. i love to text. but why can't they have the decency to CALL. really how hard is it?there is a time and a place for texting. a quick hello is nice. thanks for the date. seeing how there doing. when you're at work/school. but really when i know that you're in a place where you can call and instead you just text to see what i'm doing that night etc. it seems every one now days is terribly lacking in social skills. maybe they should make that a college requirement class. how to interact socially. just sayin!

i started thinking about this because my phone was broken a while ago and i could receive calls, but not texts. and so the guys knew i couldn't text, so they WOULD call. i was like WOW you really do know how to talk on the phone?

i think i'm going to start saying if you want to ask me out i don't accept texts. or just tell them i don't have texting. haha. jk.
ready. go.

Does anyone else feel this way? ugh. boo.

hugs and kisses,


and, I'M BACK!

I'm back everyone! yay.
time seriously swept past me the past few months.
now time to play catch up,
so much has happened i don't even know where to begin.
think i will back up and do a few catch up me up posts.

but for now know this.

  • i went out with Reed last night. after not seeing him for EV er since i gave him the shaft.
  • sticky situation makes for a hilarious story with Kurt.
  • lots of drama and more heart shattering from Jake. i have never felt so alone, and hurt in my life.
  • Matt comes back into the picture.. what the..
  • and i'm in complete and total like with mister Jason. *sigh*

get ready for some catch me up history lessons on these peeps.

hope everyone is awesome. happy summertime.

hugs and kisses,


Monday, May 3, 2010

Friends, Lovers, or Nothing

It's been such a long long long time since this blog has received any posting love, so I decided to get my feelings down - as a means of therapy. Yes, blogging can be therapeutical.

Anyway, so there's this guy. He is one of the most amazing people I have ever had the opportunity to have in my life. We've known each other for such a very long time. Let's call him Taylor.

Taylor has always always always been so good to me. We have always been friends. He has always been there when I was going through a rough time, when I had a bad breakup. Whatever. He was there.

In the back of my mind he was always there. As a friend. But I started seeing him as more than a friend. Last summer was when it all happened.
Things started to progress, and then I went away. I started dating some other young chaps (who clearly were bone heads) and went through that lovely dating drama. When it was all said and done, here was Taylor. Patient. Selfless. Forgiving. Loving. Perfect.
Recently we tried to get together. I had built myself an iron wall, and I have been too afraid to take it down. It's still up, even though Taylor tried to tear it down. Oh he tried. He tried and he tried and I kept telling him to be patient with me. I told him to give me time, that time would heal this and the wall would come down.

Unfortunately, life isn't always kind and sometimes the people we love the most, we hurt the most.

I had hurt Taylor again, I was struggling to let him into my life and he had about enough. I feel horrible for hurting him again. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for the pain that I've caused him. And you know whats funny, is now I feel this huge void in my life. I miss him. I love him. But I can't have him, because of my own stupidity and my own fears.

He is probably better off, he deserves the absolute best. And that is all that I could ever ask for, for him to be 100% happy. I am in pain. And I thought it would go away, but it hasn't. But I don't want to hurt him anymore, so I've decided to suffer in silence. He doesn't need to have to deal with me while I figure out what the BEEP I am doing. He deserves the best.

And if he ever comes across this blog (I highly doubt it) but if he ever did, I would want him to know that I am sorry. I would want him to know that I love him. I've always loved him. I've loved him for years, but I've just been too afraid to admit it. But because I love him, I want him to be happy. I want Taylor to have the most happiness, this madness called, life offers.

I love you Taylor. And I always will. Always.

Friday, April 16, 2010

We've MISSED YOU!!!!

Holy SMOKES! This blog is sooo PATHETIC! Yeah, I said it!

Look for:

New men stories, blunders, mishaps, heartbreaks, etc.

COMING SOON!!! more posts!

Let us know how YOU'VE BEEN!
We missed you!


Friday, February 5, 2010

Laurens History Lesson #1

TGIF. I am always so grateful for Fridays. I survived another week being single. Go me. As I had mentioned in my previous post a few guys have been texting me. Before I tell about what happened last night.. i MUST give the deets on these three.

Mister Jason.

He and I have known each other since we were 12. We were always friends. Went to different schools. Once we were in college he moved out of state to play sports. I moved to St. George to go to school and Dance. We hadn't talked since we were probably 15. We started talking via facebook and it was close to Christmas break which we both would be going home. He got my number and gave me call the day after he flew in. I'll skip all the mushy deets for your sake and just tell you that we ended up doing the whole 'long distance' thing. Ya-hmmm. not a fan ppl. It was hard and so we decided to take a break and we would give things a try when we would both be back in the summer. That summer we dated a little bit. He hurt me by lying. Then a few months before he left on his mission he apoligized. We wrote a bit. He texted me inviting me to his homecoming talk when he got home. I didnt go because I was with Jake and could have cared less. New Years Eve Jake and I were shopping and ran into Jason. He gave me a huge. (I still thought he was very good looking) and we chatted for a bit (he was with a friend who knew Jake so it was no biggie). Then he had texted me saying it was great to see me the next day...and texted me a few more times when he found out Jake and I had broken up. Which leads me to what happened yesterday. (but we'll save that for later-even though i'm dying here! oh my. haha.)

Mister Kurt.

I honestly don't know Kurt all that well. I shamefully admit that we have only hung out once. We used to text a ton last June. He and Sierra met at work and she gave him my number. We texted. texted. and texted some more. After a few weeks we hung out with Sierra and her bf at the time. The next day he openly told me that he was dying to kiss me the night before- and regretted it. Shortly after that Jake and I started dating so we lost contact. Then OF COURSE he starts talking to me like a week after he finds out i'm not dating anyone and wants to hang out. Latest up to date we have been texting and i'll probably give in and go over to his apartment one night for a visit? Is he wanting to be my re-bound or something?? Sierra did say he had pretty loose lips.. hmm. Don't really know what to think here. Any suggestions? I'll happily take them.

and last but not least..

Mister Reed.

We have almost known each other for just about a year now. Crazy how fast time goes. Weird. (funny story how we met too..totally left my number for him at his work- So high school i know.) Anyhow.. So he and I were dating casually for a few months when Jake came into the picture and swooped me off my feet. (okay, not really but you get the jist.) I had fallen so so so hard for Reed. He was like picture perfect in my eyes. He was older. TDH. Almost done with school. yadda yadda. But he was moving soooo slow. Let's just say I'm not the most patient girl out there. So what did I do? Went for the guy who was really chasing me. (for me was a hard change cuz i am normally the one to be the chaser. bad bad bad. i know i know.) Reed and I talked on chat every once in a while during dating Jake. Nothing bad. Totally friend based. But he did express his feelings once which made me frusterated because why the heck didn't he do that when i wanted him to? Naturally he does it right when i am about to be committed to someone else. But i left it at that. After Jake and I broke up. Reed and I started texting a bit. He invited me over to his house once to watch football with his friends. It was totally casual and he was even asking me girl advice. He was really sweet about my heartache as well. We have hung out a few times since. He's been super flirty but not over the line. I NEVER can read him. But he is leaving for two and half months for work. So hmm. Yeah R+L= bad timing.
Not that i'm looking to go after someone or anything..but who's your favorite? Who should I spend time with? Who should I let in Laurens heart? okay more like half a heart. Its still healing ppl. Have a good weekend. Live it up.

ps. There is a really cute guy at work. (okay two of them.) But i always told myself i would never ever ever date someone from work. But i talked to mister work today. He's darling and has the hottest blue eyes. Why am I such a sucker for eyes???

pps. After my last post i had to laugh about this. I was at the library last night and got in the elevator with this guy and he totally started to talk to me. My first thought was HES NOT A SCARED-IE cat.. he wasn't Channing Tatum or anything but he was pretty cute.

hugs and kisses


Perfectly Lonely

Go buy John Mayer's "Battle Studios" CD on iTunes and listen to the song, "Perfectly Lonely."
That song is SOOOOOOOO me right now! Ever since Tyler and I called it quits back in December, I've felt this sense of liberation. I'm a new woman and I feel like this sense of independence has drawn more men in...but I DON'T NEED A MAN to be happy! Sure, there are like 3 guys on the line right now who I'm trying to juggle, but hey, I am loving being single. And yeah, I guess if your name is John Mayer, you could call it "lonely."

"Nothing to do
Nowhere to be
A simple little kind of free
Nothing to do
No one but me
That's all I need

I'm perfectly lonely
Cause I don't belong to anyone
No one belongs to me"
I am PERFECTLY LONELY (aka single) and I LOVE it. I really do! There is nothing better than not having a man in my life who wants to hang with me on a night that I really have to do homework. It's great to just focus on myself right now. I love that I can come and go as I please. I can do whatever I want. I can go shopping and spend all my money! Who cares, it's my money, not "our" money. I can go to the gym at ridiculous hours of the day, I can veg in front of the tv and watch "The Bachelor" re-runs for hours on end, I can flirt with 10 different guys in the same day. I can be an idiot, and no one is going to tell me how to behave. Sure, that may been seen as selfish, but who cares? I'm only young once, right? I'm sure in 10 years time I'll look back at this point in my life and wish I could come back...instead of changing a dirty diaper.
Well, I guess that's my post for the day. I hope ya'll have a rootin' tootin' fabulous weekend! I know I will. I've got a HOT DATE with Jon this weekend! :) And yes, I am actually really excited/giddy/nervous about this one!
xo Sierra

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So.. I'm sitting at the library trying to focus and get a few assignments and reading done. But what do I actually end up doing.. I end up on facebook, blogging, and wondering why?

You ask why what?
(well there is two of them)
As you know I just went through a breakup. Not a terrible one either. Which is worse because I can't just be like, "I hate Jake blah blah blah..". Totally different story. I still have feelings for him. Strong ones at that. I wish I didn't have them. But I guess they will just have to fade with time. BOO. I wish they would just go away fast. All my friends keep telling me to start dating. But i don't want to..just yet. Why can't I just be like a guy and just jump into something fast and not look back. But no. I sit and wonder why did this happen to me.. and why is he being rude. why does every SINGLE thing remind me of him. songs. restaurants. words. shows. I'll think of stupid inside jokes. ill see things he gave me. pictures. you get the point. Why do guys have its so easy.. or at least make it look so easy at the whole break up thing. I am envious.

On to #2 why..Riddle me this.

This really TDH (tall,dark,handsome) male just came and sat at the table next to me here at the library. It was only obvious that when he was looking around for a place to sit he was totally checking me out. So he ends up sitting by me. Good thing I wasn't dreaming because I probably would have been drooling. (ew gross!) Seriously though he was so pretty. Dream boat I tell you. I wanted to talk to him so bad. Did I? No. Are you kidding me..I mean come on what am I supposed to say? "Hey boy my name is Lauren, you're sexy, umm. can we hang out tonight?" For reals. Okay, I would never actually say that. But why is it that we can't just go up and talk to members of the opposite sex in a friendly manner without it being totally creepy? Think about it if an extremely sexy guy came and started talking to you it would be the best thing ever wouldn't it? Point being why do we have this huge block in our brain that it usually comes off creepy or that that person is just desperate. Why can't it be normal and acceptable? It would sure make meeting people (males for me) a lot easier and fun. Plus it would make for a good story right?
I've been sitting here for about twenty minutes pondering this and cannot come up with the answer. I think were all just scared.
Next time I see that TDH sexy man at the Library I am going to talk to him. Because I always regret when I don't.
Lets not all be scared-ie cats okay ppl?

hugs and kisses
- Laur

PS. 3 oldies have been texting me. (aka Jason, Kurt, and Reed.) What's a girl to do? They know I am single now. WHAT do they honestly want to be the rebound?
And I'm not talking basketball.
(kidding kidding. i would never do that)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One Night In Bangkok

I'm in quite the hyper mood this morning! I've just spent the past two hours trying to fix this software program on my computer...grrr to technology!

Anyway, I thought ya'll would wanna know about my latest and greatest date I went on.
It happened last week. It was with a new specimen, aka Cliff. Yes, I've changed his name for his privacy purposes. I thought Cliff was appropriate since I wanted to jump off a cliff after the date!

It was the typical "Mormon group date" setting. There were 4 couples. We all met up and headed off to din din at this fabulous little hole in the wall Thai place in none other than Provo, Utah. While we were at dinner there was some fun conversations going on and I was enjoying myself until Cliff leaned over to me and told me, "you look so sexy tonight in your little getup." Umm...ya, normally if a male specimen I'm INTERESTED IN tells me that, I get all giddy and excited and I would unleash my flirting advances, but not tonight. Cliff just doesn't do it for me. I honestly don't even know why I agreed to go on the date. I've gone out with Cliff about 3 times in the past 5 months. After each date I promise myself to never go out with him again, and a few weeks later he's talked me into going out with him again. I am an idiot, I know. You don't need to tell me.

Back to the date. So we're still at dinner and Cliff keeps making advances at me, some more sexual than others, but overall I just felt really creeped out. Also, all throughout dinner, I was flirting with Cliff's best friend. We didn't try to hide it, but it made our dates irritated. What a great start to the night, right? After dinner was paid for we all hopped into our cars and made a caravan down University Avenue. We looked like a funeral procession. Seriously. Maybe only I thought that, but whatever! We made our way to an indoor games/pizza facility and played some lovely arcade games. After about an hour at this place everyone got tired of it so we headed back to Cliff's place to watch a movie. (Oh great, I'm sure he was thinking that this would be his time to score some major snuggle time...) We got to the house and made a movie selection. Started the movie and one of the girls requested some food to be made so Cliff headed upstairs and prepared the snack.

In the meantime, I was downstairs watching the movie with the gang and my eyes started to water and itch and I started to get hives on my hands...this only happens when there are pets around. I was so EXCITED for an excuse to leave! Woo hoo, go me and my bad allergies to pets!
Cliff came back downstairs with the snack and came over to the couch that I was sitting on. I was leaned up against the arm rest with my legs tucked close to my body (so no one could snuggle up to me). Cliff picks up my legs and sets them on the ground, "No no, we can't have this. How are we going to cuddle Sier?" Ewwww, gross! Did he just call me Sier? Did he just say he wants to cuddle with me? Eeeek! I've gotta get outta here. That's when I dropped the bomb on him, "Cliff, I can't breathe very well, I'm breaking out in hives, and my eyes are watering. Can you take me home?"

He was pissed. I could tell, but I don't really care. I was tired, had like 5 hours of homework to do that night, and I'm sorry, I just wasn't feeling it. I love to cuddle, but I can't cuddle with someone who makes me want to barf.

Sorry Cliff, hope you can find someone else to take home and cuddle or makeout with on your pet-hair infested couches.

xo Sierra

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Since our debut last week, we've had a GREAT response to our blog!
We want to thank you for stopping by and visiting us here at

To show our appreciation, we want to do a GIVEAWAY. I promise it will be worth your precious time!
We'll mail you a CD (well probably two or three Cd's) of the fabulous "Break-Up" play list that I posted last week.

To enter the giveaway, all you need to do is publish a post on your own blogs about how much you either LOVE or HATE us. Then you need to either email us a link to your blog or just comment and let us know that you've spread the word!

The deadline for the giveaway will be February 12th (next Friday) at 12:00 noon.

Good luck and thanks for reading!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hello Blogging world, Lauren here! I hope you will find much joy in our lovely home of Provo and all of the drama, romance, sappiness, tears, and men it brings.

Where to begin with me? This year so far has been full of much love and hate for relationships. Yes I know it’s still January and the year has just begun. But this month has been full of surprises for me. My life took a total 360. I was going to be getting married- but life decided to take a different spin on things. I guess someday I will understand why things went the way they did. But for now I just need to pretend to believe in the saying that everything happens for a reason-okay so I really do believe in it, I just don’t like to.

A little bit about me... I love life and the people in it. (Even the men sometimes ;) when they are good to me) I love the memories I create. I thought it was a brilliant Idea when the BFF Sierra suggested that we start OUR STORY of our ‘oh so lovely dating life’s” and the journeys it takes us on. As I mentioned before I have just gone through a breakup and am just trying to cope with everything. I have a really hard time letting go. I know I know you are all probably thinking this is the drama girl of them all. But really it’s a hard thing when you’ve been pretty much planning your life with someone. Jake is the EX. He was good to me. But I honestly think you see a person’s true character when you go through a break up and how they react.

Take Jake for instance. We had the pretty close to the ‘perfect’ relationship. I have never let someone into my life as much as I did him. And that is saying a lot for me. I would say that I’m a pretty open person but he had knocked down every single wall and built tunnels in and out. We were inseparable. He knew everything there was to know about me. We never fought. At the blissful end of the long relationship it just wasn’t meant to be I guess you could say- I kept having doubts. So we broke up. Two weeks later he pretty much has a girlfriend. Yes, I have been hanging out with other guys-I guess you can call me a hypocrite. But whatev. I mean sure go have a NCMO with a girl but really Jake a GIRLFRIEND?? It just makes me sick to think that he could move on that quickly. Honestly, I thought he would have a harder time. Why does it always have to be me? I really have no desire to date right now. It just bugs me. Yes I know I shouldn’t be the jealous type, especially when it was the so called ‘right’ thing to do. And then he texts me to get over it, and move on. Who just does that? Jerk. Point being- you can tell a lot about a person when you break up and how they treat you. Boo.

Hugs and kisses.

Oh and when life hands you lemons…Stuff them in your bra!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Excuse me. What did you just say???

A lovely text convo between Brad and I earlier this afternoon...

B: "Hey how are you"
S: "Hey I'm good. How're you B?"
B: "Doing really well haven't seen you in awhile"
S: "Are you keeping tabs on me?"
B: "Haha. All the time"

{I don't respond for about an hour...}

B: "How's school?"
S: "It keeps me out of trouble - I love it! What's new with you?"
B: "Life is good. No complaints."
S: "Glad to hear. How's the new house? Any cute roommates?"
B: "Haha not sure. I am trying not to be attracted"
S: "For ME not for YOU"
B: "They're awesome...really good guys. Typical ZOOBS"
S: "Sounds like a good change for you!"
B: "Why didn't you say hi to me earlier this week?"
S: "You seemed busy...didn't want to bug"
B: "You can always come and talk to me. I'm never too busy for you Sierra!"
S: "I guess I will next time, since I can only see you at the gym"
B: "Yea sorry I honestly have no desire to date or take a girl out just for fun. Just kinda focusing on me"
S: "We've already had this conversation, but it was in person. Remember?"
B: "Yea, I'm still in love with my ex even tho we are over"
S: "Ya, it takes time to get over an ex..."
B: "Ya, it does. But you're a wonderful daughter of God Sierra"
S: "Thanks. Hope you have a good rest of the day"
B: "You know you can always talk to me about anything anytime. I'm here for you"

WHAT?! Yeah...what in the crap? What just happened? Why is Brad trying to be my therapist over text? I don't know either...MAKE UP YOUR MIND BRAD!

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Little History

Hello blogging world! This is my first post, and I don't have much to say in it, but I'm stuck checking tickets at work, which would take awhile to explain what exactly that is, but the bottom line is I have nine hours of not much to do ahead of me. So why not blog? It's better than listening to my co-worker pretty much verbally harass a customer. Hmmm.

I've never thought I had much of an exciting dating life. But there is one guy who I'm sure I'll write more about later so I'll just give a little background here so that when something does happen with this person, you all know the history. I met Luke at work about a year or so ago. I was a regular agent at my job and he was one of the people who if I had a question he'd be one of the people I ask. He's a pretty cool guy, good personality, funny, smart, nice. You know, all the good stuff. He came up one day and asked if he could check to see if a certain feature in this program we use was working. I didn't think anything of it. Later he admitted it was just so that he could talk to me (aw. . . cute!) A few days later ( or maybe a couple weeks, I don't know) he got my number. We went out a few times, and he was really great. I had a great time with him. About three weeks into dating he brought up the dtr. I hate dtr's. He wanted to be "boyfriend/girlfriend". I didn't. I had been engaged about six months before and I just didn't want to jump into anything serious. He said okay and we just kept dating. I would see him every night just about, and he would always bring it up. I knew he wanted something serious and I really just realized I didn't want anything with him. So I told him that. If there was anything I learned from being engaged is that you have to be honest and forward in a relationship and I didn't want to drag it on.

So some time passed and he tried again. We went to a movie and then he asked if I would want to go up the canyon for a bit afterwards. I agreed and he told me I had to be blindfolded. I was a little worried at the whold having to be blindfolded thing, but agreed. So we drive up a ways and he pulls to the side of the road and comes to my side of the car and gets me out. He leads me down this path thing (I'm assuming it was a path, I couldn't really see at that moment) and when I opened my eyes he had this whole picnic thing set up. It had been raining so the tablecloth (well actually the sheet) he had used to cover the table was soaked, and he had picked a flower (a sunflower, my favorite) that was all soggy because it was wet and gave it to me. how cute is this whole thing! but, I had mixed feelings about this. I was #1 confused because I thought I had been pretty clear at the fact that I just wanted to be friends #2 conflicted, because really, how cute is that!! But I had to be honest and I just didn't feel anything more for him than friends. He would keep asking to do things, so I told him again that I didn't want anything more than a friendship.

We didn't really talk for awhile after that. We would every once in awhile but it was just kinda weird. i was worried that if i was too nice i'd give him the wrong idea. i wasn't mean or anything, i just tried to keep things short with him. I ended up applying for the team that he was on, and got it. So we started working together pretty closely. Everything seemed fine between us and I was happy with that. I liked being his friend. I wanted to be his friend because I liked hanging out with him. We slowly started hanging out again. We ran a 5K together, and did other stuff that I really can't remember right now. One night there was a meteor shower and we decided to go watch it. So we drove to the middle of nowhere, parked on the side of the road, and got on top of his car and laid there and watched the stars. It was pretty cool. Then we started hanging out more and one night he brought me cookies (because he totally lost a bet! Jackson Hole is not in Idaho, really Luke?) and we went for a drive. So we're driving along and (***quick side note*** as we had been hanging out I was kinda starting to have a crush on him again, but I wasn't sure if it was just because I wanted a relationship of sorts or if I really did like him, and i knew that he had been kinda bummed about the last two times he had tried to swoon me and I had pretty much shut him down, and because I wasn't to sure I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to hurt him, but I had lately been thinking about what it would be like to be with him, and after some talking to lauren who gave great advice: that I needed to find out for myself, i decided that i would probably say something). So anyways, we're driving and he says, among other things, "What would you think of trying us out again?" and I said "yeah" and that I'd been thinking about it but wasn't going to say anything about it. So we were gonna date again.
So, emotional/feeling side note here: This whole thing is kinda frustrating to me because he really is such a great guy but I don't feel anything more for him. He treats me better than anyone I've ever dated, and he really knows me and I can tell him anything and it's like all the big things are there, and really a lot of little things, but I just don't feel anything more for him. I've thought long and hard about why not because I wanted to figure out why I didn't. I mean, I consider myself a pretty normal girl, so what normal girl wouldn't be head over heels for a guy who would randomly bring me my favorite candy bar, or plan a suprise picnic, or remember the first thing we ever talked about (yes he remembers that), or tell me i looked good all the time. He would do all these romantic, adorable things and still I felt nothing more for him. He would remember all these details about things i've told him. so the conclusion i have come to is the x factor. i have this theory that when you meet the right person you'll just feel it. i know you can't be all romantic about everything and have to be smart about it, but there will just be this x factor about that person. and yes, they may drive you crazy some days, but you'll love that person so much you'll put up with it. luke doesn't have that. the x factor i mean. i don't want to be with someone who only looks good on paper, ya know. i want to feel it too. so with luke, i'm really not that physically attracted to him. And he kisses with his eyes open (kinda weird), and he breathes really heavy, and I really can't stand his smell. It's not a bad smell. He doesn't stink or anything like that, but it's just overpowering aroma of luke. You can smell him a mile away. i'm more a fan of having to get close to smell the guy. the subtle scent. i'm funny about smells, so i gotta be with a guy i can stand to smell.

So anyways, we did the dating thing. We went to temple square to see the lights, went to a movie, did some other stuff, and I was realizing that I really didn't feel anything more for him then being really good friends, and you shouldn't force yourself to feel something more for someone. This was around Christmas time, so I was gonna wait til after Christmas to tell him this. I didn't want to ruin his holiday or anything. But he beat me at the dtr thing. He texted me while I was at work and asked if we could talk after I got off. When someone tells you they want to talk it usually means something big is coming. (so run! just kidding. don't really do that) So he picked me up and we went on a little drive. We're driving and he tells me that there's a reason why he has a million texts saved from me in his phone, and if I say the word i'd be the only girl who would exist to him (except the dallas cowboy cheerleaders). stab in the freakin heart. but it gets worse. i tell him that i'm sorry but i don't feel anything for him and I really don't remember all that was said, but he tells me he loves me and that he's never said that to anyone before, and that he'd never tried so hard to get someone, and he starts crying. like really crying. i felt terrible!! i don't ever want to be the reason to make somebody cry. ever. i really wish i could've made a video and just put it in here so you guys could all just hear what he said. i felt like the most mean, horrible person ever. he told me that he'd probably have to quit work because he couldn't stand to see me all the time and that he was gonna delete me as a friend off facebook. i thought these were a little extreme, but i was gonna let him do whatever he needed. he told me i was one conflicted girl and that i didn't know what i wanted. and to admit, what he said kinda cut deep. it got me thinking. i realized he was right. he said i knew what i didn't want, i just didn't know what i wanted.

Anyways, i watched him cry for about three hours. i had gotten off work at eleven and didn't get home til after two. i felt terrible, and i wanted to be able to tell him the same thing but i knew i'd be lying, and that'd be worse. i went home for christmas the next day so i didn't see him for awhile. when i did get back for work, he called in that day. the next day at work we only had to work together an hour and he didn't talk to anyone at all. he just sat at his desk. i felt really bad. then later that day he texted me and told me he wanted to try being friends. i told him that was good because work was really weird. inside i was thinking that was the stupidest idea he'd ever had.

so now we're friends. that really is a pretty small nut shell version of this story, and i know that all seems really weird, but it's good. it's kinda weird because we're both really open about things. i know how he feels and he doesn't hide it, and he knows how i feel. we're really good friends now. he's one of my best. so yeah. that's luke. i told all that history because it's important to all the other stories i'll tell in the future. and i could keep going on and on and on about this but i think i'm gonna wrap it up for now. plus they have the food network on at work and now all i can think about is food.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Break-Up Playlist

Ever feel like the world is crashing down upon you?
Ever feel like sitting in front of the TV watching chick flicks (or action flicks) for hours on end?
Ever had a cruel male or female break your heart?
So have we. We have the PERFECT remedy for a broken heart - listen to some break-up songs. Here is a break-up playlist courtesy of Sierra n' Lauren. ENJOY!

Best Days- Kellie Pickler
Crazy - Patsy Klein
With or Without You - U2
Emotion - The Bee Gees
I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor
Damaged - Danity Kane
Achy Breaky Heart - Billy Ray Cyrus
It Must've Been Loved - Roxette
You've Lost That Lovin Feeling - Righteous Brothers
End of the Road - Boyz II Men
Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar
Gone - N'Sync
Burn - Usher
Someday - Mariah Carey
All By Myself - Eric Carmen
I'm Movin On - Rascal Flatts
4 Seasons of Loneliness - Boyz II Men
Irreplaceable - Beyonce
All Over Now - Eric Hutchinson
Cry Me A River - Justin Timberlake
Heartbreaker - Pat Benatar (or Mariah Carey)
Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
All Out of Love - Air Supply
One Last Cry - Brian McKnight
Survivor - Destiny's Child
Don't Speak - No Doubt
Love Stinks - J. Geils Band
Get Out (Leave) - JoJo
Anytime - Brian McKnight
Stronger - Kanye West
Careless Whisper - George Michael
Every Rose Has Its Thorn - Poison
Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) - Beyonce
Love Bites - Def Leppard
Red, Red Wine - UB40
My Happy Ending - Avril Lavigne
Kiss and Say Goodbye - The Manhattans
Breathe Again - Toni Braxton
You're So Vain - Carly Simon
Return of the Mack - Mark Morrison
6-8-12 - Brian McKnight

*Disclaimer: We can't guarantee that this playlist will make you feel better. It's quite possible you'll feel worse after listening to these songs, but hey, whatever works! Its been proven time does wonders to heal a broken does Ben and Jerry's "Phish Food" ice cream, the Taco Bell drive-thru window, watching countless hours of trash television and/or sappy love movies, drinking a 64 oz Diet coke, shopping and burning through your last paycheck, or trash talking your exes online...*

**If none of the remedies mentioned above work for you, go out and get yourself a 're-bound'...I'm just sayin.....**

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Date From Hell (Michigan that is)

I had to title this something interesting to get your attention! Gotcha, right? I sure hope so!
Remember Brad? Ya, that one, the guy who was painfully handsome and so wonderful, so charming, witty, muscular, flirty, etc. Ya, turns out he is a complete imbecile.
Let me tell you the story...

Brad called me up and confirmed our date for the night. I was to meet him at his place so we could go to the theater. No biggie, right? I pull up and he walks out and greets me with a wave of cologne (which smelt incredible) and a huge hug. I am a sucker for hugs from muscular men (so please send any my way, ok?) I thought "so far, so good." As we walked to get into his car he asked me how my day had gone, yada yada yada, and then he says, "sorry my car smells like cigarette smoke. My roommate borrowed my car today and he smokes." In my head I was thinking how in the heck could your roommate borrow your car if you work 40 minutes away from your apartment...but whatever, right?

The date proceeds.

Brad threw in his best R&B romantic mix to swoon me, at least I think he was trying to swoon me, but I was already apprehensive and second guessing the date because I had a shady feeling that he was lying to me about the cigarette smoke coming from another source. As we're driving he informed me that one of his old roommates and girlfriend wanted to go to the movie with us, so we were going to pick them up.

We pull up to his old place of residence and he immediately starts apologizing for any naked women, any smoking, alcoholism, or any other lewd activities. I think I had this confused look on my face because he then asked me if I wanted to wait in the car. Well, I sure as heck was not going to just sit back and let him have all the fun. I consider myself a very open-minded gal so I thought, "how bad can this be?" Yeah, bad idea.

We walk up to the house and his roomie was smoking on the porch. If you want to smoke be my guest, but see if I care when you have emphysema at 30 years old....So after we greet the smoking man, who supposedly borrowed Brads car earlier that day, we walk inside. I look around cautiously and don't see any nudity, WHEW! We walked into the kitchen area and I see literally 100-131 empty alcoholic containers. You name it; beer, wine, vodka, rum, champagne, patrone, whisky, bourbon, gin, scotch...I think you get the idea. A bunch of alkeys live here! Geez! So while I'm mystified at seeing the most empty bottles of alcohol ever in my life Brad asked his roomie if he and the girlfriend wanted to go. They were too drunk or something cause they stared at Brad and I for a minute and then said they were too tired to go. So we leave and head off to the movies...

Ok, so at this point in the date I was judging Brad pretty harshly, but can you blame me? I don't want to date a smoker or an alcoholic! I guess I shouldn't assume things this early into our date. So Brad drives to the theater and we walk inside. Brad opened the door for me (earns back 1 brownie point), pays (I would hope my date pays for me), then asks if I want any type of refreshment (earns a few more brownie points back) then we walked into the theater (He walked in ahead of me. This is actually a date courtesy, the male is supposed to enter a dark theater before his fragile female friend). The movie was just about to start (we had been at the alcoholic palace for too long) so I took off my coat and got cozy. I could see Brad out of the corner of my eye looking at me, but I ignored him and watched the movie. I knew he wanted to hold my hand, he was giving me ALL the "I want to hold your hand" signals. He was leaning close to me, he kept looking at me, he put his right hand on his thigh and left it there, I mean the boy was dangling a hook to see if I would take the bait. Now, I've been known to be a big tease and flirt, so I wanted to make him work for it. Apparently he didn't want to work that hard cause he gave up about 30 minutes into the movie... I was a little disappointed, but meh, whatever, I was loving the flick!

The movie gets over and we get back into his car and we start the drive home. He knew about Tyler and that we had recently broke up, so he asked me if I was in love with my last boyfriend. I told him I truly did love Tyler, but it was just not right. I didn't want to be with someone I knew wasn't good for me. So then I probed him and asked him if he truly loved his ex-fiance. BIG MISTAKE on my part. He proceeds to tell me for the next TWO hours their entire story. And I mean EVERYTHING. He told me how on the night they met they were both drunk (how charming) and that they hit it off from there. I will spare ya'll the details, but he told me things that should only be between you and your S.O. (significant other).

Apparently I am a good listener cause he just went on and on and on. After all was said and done and he was winding up his emotional baggage drop-off, he said, "Sierra, I think you're gorgeous. I think you're the perfect woman for me, but I am not at a place in my personal life right now where I could be with someone as amazing as you (ohh barf) and I just want you to know that you're the only girl since my ex-fiance that I've gone out with on more than one date." I just sat there and had nothing to say. My mind was blank. I had nothing. This once attractive and wonderful man had become as ugly as Rumplestilskin to me. I sat and stared at him for a few minutes and then I finally said, "Brad, I'm not sure exactly what you want from me. But I don't think I want my time wasted and I don't want to waste yours. Thanks for the movie. Have a great night." I got out of his car and never looked back (and I haven't ever texted him back either)

That was probably one of the worst dates from hell I've ever been on.

Until the next fabulous date...xo Sierra

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Walk In the Park With Brad

So recently I had become interested in this fellow whom I met at the gym. We had been texting all day long, he would call me at night, basically we talked all the time. We would visit and chat at the gym. I felt this great chemistry between us. He is taller than I am (it's hard to beat my height), he is muscular, very suave, painfully handsome, and very charming. He's the total package.

For our first date we doubled with Lauren and Jake. We went out on the town and had a great time. After the official date he asked me to take a walk with him around the park near the venue we went to. It was freezing that night, but I was too consumed with this chemistry we had going on to care. We walked. We talked. We laughed. We shamefully flirted until the wee hours of morning. We then went back and sat in the car for another while and talked about school, life, and we jammed out to the good old iPod. He then turned to me and asked, "Would it be too soon for me to kiss you?" I nervously laughed and honestly replied, "Yeah, it would be." I shot him down, but I am the old-fashioned type. I don't believe in "booty calls", "NCMO'S (non-committal makeout's), or kissing on the first date. That's just not how I roll anymore (perhaps my youth taught me well...)

Anyway, so after that awkward question, we kept talking and talking and talking. I was smitten. I really really liked Brad. I did. He was darling. The man of my dreams. And I had just gotten out of a terrible relationship with Tyler. So I thought, this is perfect. (And no, I wasn't thinking Brad would be my rebound...not really at least)

Anyway, we ended the night with a hug. He gave me a huge hug, picked me up, then looked me in the eyes and said, "It's perfect how tall you are. You're gorgeous." Naturally, I was flattered.

As I was driving home (we had met up that night) he texted me, "Hey I hope I didn't scare you away tonight". And I must admit, he had brought up the fact that he was getting over a girl whom he had been engaged to a few months prior. I could sort of see that he was not 100% over her, but I was too caught up in the moment to care. We had great chemistry, we talked about the gospel (the LDS church), our families, our interests, likes, dislikes, favorite sports teams, favorite R&B singers, favorite movies, ya know, typical first date stuff.

So anyway, I texted him back and told him that he had not scared me away and that he just made me like him even more. Yes, I actually told him that. I'm brutally honest when it comes to things like this. So we kept texting and such and he asked me over text if we could go out again...yes, over text. I had to give the boy credit, it was 3 AM afterall...

So, I agreed to go out with him again. I had butterflies when I went to bed. I was starting to really dig Brad. Who wouldn't, right? So I guess it pays off to go for long walks in the park at midnight in the dead of winter with a handsome, muscular, gym rat. :)

Until next time... xo Sierra

Meet the gals...Sierra, Lauren, and Sofia

Hello blogging world...

I am not sure who will read this (if anyone ever will) but I decided that ya'll should know who you're listening to. We are three friends. female. single (currently). And all looking to get our dating joys, frustrations, irritations, and experiences out and in print. We decided to blog about our dating experiences and share them with ya'll. Lauren and Sofia met in college. Lauren and I (Sierra) met through some mutual gal pals. We stayed close and decided that we should become roommates. This blog is a diary of sorts of our dating life.

My name is Sierra. Full time student, avid gym rat, and work-a-holic. I love to make chocolate chip cookies. I appreciate art. I am a closet show tunes lover. Also a natural flirt. I like to cuddle. I enjoy dating, no really, I do. I have a fabulous jewlery collection. I love to text. I'm addicted to retail. Yep, that's me.

Lauren is a wonderful lady. Part time student, full time career lady. She loves watching Friends. She loves to eat chips and salsa. Is a feisty and flirty gal (or so I've heard). A great dresser. Very involved in life, her family, her church (the LDS church). Enjoys kissing.

Sofia is a full time student, but currently taking a break from studies. Has a great smile. Loves life and lives it to the fullest. Loves to watch The Office. Very crafty and enjoys making things (lamps, headbands, jewelry, frames, etc.) She loves to snuggle by the fire. She's a catch for sure!

Hopefully you enjoyed getting to know us, and will follow our blog about our dating experiences.




This is strictly a test...
More lovely things to come from us...
