Tuesday, June 1, 2010

dumb dumb dumb

I'm so irritated with guys.

Lauren knows exactly what I am talking about.

There's this guy.... Isn't there always?

Simon and I have been friends for a few months and we've gone out on two real dates (about two months apart mind you). Well, I received a very interesting email from him yesterday.

He basically stated that he was upset with me that nothing serious has been going on between us. He has the balls to go even further and tell me that its my fault nothing has been going on between us.

Um, that's not my job. It's YOURS buddy. Plus, maybe, just maybe, I don't really want to be with you all that much. Maybe I just like being friends, which is what I thought we were from the beginning. Maybe, just maybe I enjoy having someone to talk to about other dudes. Maybe I like you Simon, but as a brother.

Let's face it. You can't carry on a normal conversation. You don't have a romantic bone in your body. And, I don't even want to imagine myself kissing you. It's not gonna happen. EVER.

With that said, what's a girl to do?

I emailed poor old Simon back and told him how I really felt. I explained that he and I are just two very different people. We would've never worked out. And guess what? He AGREED with me.
Why the *beep* did you email me in the first place then?!

Jeez, Simon.
Buy the board game CLUE and play it a few times....


  1. haha isnt it sad the second you see yourself kissing someone and the feeling of disgust creeps in all other emotions are gone... gotta love it

  2. oh weird that my bff posted a comment right before me.

    but thats lame. I am soooooooooo sick of boys right now, and I don't think there is enough o's in there to do how I feel justice
